
Blue on Saint Patrick's Day

Yes, I know it's St. Patrick's Day and maybe I should be doing a green-thrifting-finds post.

But quite honestly, I didn't even know it was a holiday until I woke up and saw all the 'Kiss me I'm Irish/Drunk' Facebook statuses. On top of that, we also have the hype of PSU basketball in the NCAA tournament. Oh I've got spirit, yes I do--can't you tell? (Although I did fill out a bracket this year for the amusement of my fabulous fiance...and today was not nice to it.)

I'm in my apartment with my roommate, Hannah, who has the same amount (maybe even less?) or school spirit as I do. I just don't really buy into the same excitement as most of Penn State does about a lot of things--football, THON, drinking holidays. I like tailgating. I support charities and have enjoyed doing plenty of community service. I like to go out and drink. But when these things are blown out of proportion into something that is idolized by most of the Penn State population, that's when it becomes irritating to me.

Anyway! The point of this post isn't to bash these things. I want to share some of my latest shopping adventures. And they don't go along with the green holiday.

Like I said in one of my Texas posts, I checked out the San Antonio Goodwill. Yikes. I didn't even feel safe getting out my camera when I was in that neck of the woods so I didn't even want to snap any photos.

However, when I had arrived in SA on Sunday night I found an adorable purse in a funky shop while I was exploring the town. I needed a new carry-on bag (a much-needed replacement for a 90s era tote bag from my childhood) but the price tag on this one was a little more than I was used to spending on anything-- 40 buckaroos! Seriously. That's a splurge for me.

I decided to sleep on it and come back at the end of the week if I still couldn't live with out it. And as it usually goes when I do this to myself, I thought about it all. week.

So on Friday, my last night out on the town, I made the executive decision that I was going to go back and buy it. I didn't remember the name of the store, but I SWORE it was on the River Walk.

So two hours and several laps around the River Walk later, it seemed that the store had packed up and closed over the course of the week, leaving not a trace of it behind! It was absolutely nowhere to be found. Being the only person in the world without a smart phone, I did the old fashioned thing--called Mom to Google San Antonio stores, hoping that hearing the name would jog my memory.

Well, it sure didn't. After reading me ALL the stores on the River Walk, she informed me that there were tons of stores over by the Alamo.

"No, it's definitely not there. I know it wasn't that far away. Those are just all tacky tourist shops. Silly mommy!"

Well, wouldn't you know I somehow ended up by the Alamo. And just as I had literally stumbled across the Alamo on my first day, I stumbled across the purse store across from the Alamo. And bought my 40 dollar purse.

But that's OK, because I returned to PA to a brand spankin' newly opened Goodwill store with my aunt who was willing to drive across town to check it out at 8:30 before it closed at 9. That's dedication right there. I found this fantastic blue dress that I love to wear with tights as the weather (finally!) gets a little warmer. For eight dollas! That's more like it.
And yes, that is a bright red bra peekin' out there. I'll just never learn.

I don't typically wear blue, but this was too cute to pass up! I also snagged a blue and white tank that also goes well over leggings. Outfit post on that one to come!

Hannah's watching old Glee episodes and I am blogging on Saint Patrick's Day. Oh well--green doesn't look good on me anyway.

1 comment:

  1. [...] mentioned this blue tank from the Allentown Goodwill in this post, where I also told the story of the beloved flower bag, which has become a staple of my wardrobe [...]


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