
Fabulous and Focused

Hello everyone!

About a year ago, in the midst of a particularly boring semester at Penn State, I decided that instead of countless hours of Facebook and TV, I wanted to do something productive with my extra time and passion for writing. After some browsing and inspiration, including many viewings of Julie and Julia, I took a leap into the world of blogging; thus, A Swell Cup of Bren was born.

ASCoB, as lovingly referred to on the streets, was a fantastic way to share my writing with the world. However, as I began surfing and becoming avid readers of many other blogs, I began to notice that the best blogs had a focus. A category. A place for readers with common interests to meet and share.

That's why I have created a new blog. A common feature on ASCoB was to share my adoration of cheap clothes with pictures of recent thrift shop and vintage store purchases. I figured, why not devote an entire blog to it? In these tough economic times, I think we can all agree that when it comes to fashion, bargains are the way to go. I come from a long line of shoppers, and I hope to gain more readers who thrive on stepping into the musty disorganization of a thrift shop, the excitement in wearing old clothes with an unknown origin, and, of course, the thrill of a good bargain.

So! Get ready. It'll be fun. :-)

-Bren, aka, The Funky Junkie
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